I Am Pebble by Peter McLean

Peter McLean

I am now a professional artist having studied printmaking and drawing at the Australian National University School of Art.

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About me

I was born in the Brisbane area, and studied Ecology at the University of Queensland.  That was many moons ago though, and through the twists and turns of life and various places, I am now a professional artist having studied printmaking and drawing at the Australian National University School of Art.  I exhibit and teach regularly, have undertaken international residencies, and have recently returned to Qld and established a studio in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.

The (almost) lost art of the wood engraving is one of my specialties, creating exquisitely detailed miniature images.  Another is creating prints directly from natural materials such as bones and plants, and, especially for In.cube8r, I have been incorporating these into small collages on canvas.

As a counterpoint to my fine art printmaking works and larger drawings, I wanted another project that was fun to make, not too serious to look at, and affordably priced, so anyone could take one home, or give it as a gift. Using proofs and test prints from my other projects, and recombining them along with beautiful Japanese papers, new and quirky images emerge.  These new collage works are available exclusively at in.cube8r.


A love of landscape and nature is always the primary motivation and inspiration behind my work.  I hope that having a piece of my work in your home, is like having a piece of nature always present, as a reminder of how precious and wonderful it is.

The other inspiration is the craftsmanship of traditional fine printmaking.


2006-2009 Bachelor of Visual Art Honours (first class), Australian National University School of Art 
1989-1992 Bachelor of Science Honours (first class), University of Queensland

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