Contemporary Gallipoli Macquarie University Art Gallery Sydney

Meredith Brice

Meredith Brice is an interdisciplinary visual artist and independent curator living and working in Australia.

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About me

As an interdisciplinary Visual Artist and art educator she conducts art workshops for adults and young people at universities, art museums and public venues in Australia and internationally. She was invited workshop presenter at ITAE:Intervention Through Art Education, Art Education Strategies and Possibilities for Diversity in Education, Graz, Austria [2009], and invited workshop presenter in conjunction with the World Universities Congress, COMU: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Turkey [2010]. In September 2015 as guest curator of the Great WW1 Centenary exhibition for Macquarie University Art Gallery Sydney she presented Contemporary Gallipoli in the Tricontinental Lecture Series at the University of Barcelona (2015). Her works are held in private Collections in Australia and internationally. Wellbeing Week art workshops facilitated to Macquarie University faculty at the Macquarie University Art Gallery [2017], [2018].


She received an Advanced Diploma of Fine Arts from Sydney Gallery School [1997], a Bachelor of Fine Art from the University of Newcastle Australia [2001], and a Graduate Diploma of Education Secondary Art, Charles Sturt University Australia [2004].

In 2016 she completed a Master of Philosophy in Fine Art with the University of Newcastle, Australia. 

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