Luana Stebule-Flame Of Flamenco-61x92cm-Oil on canvas-2019-USD5999

Luana Stebule

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About me

I am an artist and poet. For many years my art specifically included stage's projects, mural paintings together with 22 solos, and 37 shared exhibitions in Europe, England, and the US. I was born in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1962. Finished A. Martinaitis Art School and Academy of Art. Nearly 20 years I was working in the Kaunas Musical Theatre as an artist. From 2009  until 2011 I was working in Kaunas "Ryto" Primary School as an Art Teacher. From 2013 I have been living in the UK.  At this moment I am a self-employed artist.

Also, in Lithuanian language I have written and published, subsides by Lithuanian Ministry of Culture, 3 poetry books. My poems are translated into Italian, Spanish,Turkish, Macedonian, English, and Hindu.

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