Spiney briney 2013 by Jane Reynolds

Jane Reynolds

Jane Reynolds is a contemporary jeweller and object artist who lives and works in                              Port Stephens, 3 hours north of Sydney, Australia

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About me

Jane Reynolds is a contemporary jeweller and object artist who lives and works in Port Stephens, 3 hours north of Sydney.  Drawing inspiration from where she lives, Jane designs and makes contemporary jewellery and objects in her small ‘leftright’ studio  at home where she creates works primarily for exhibition.  

With an emphasis on investigating materials and techniques as starting points in the design process, she often finds ways to incorporate found and natural materials into her work thereby making the startlingly non-precious, precious.   Materials are intrinsic to her designs because they have a language of their own which speaks to the viewer and contributes to the meaning of the work.  Through this investigation, she explores and expands upon opportunities to re-contextualise contemporary jewellery. 

Jane says, 'I find designing and making contemporary jewellery particularly satisfying.  It is the ultimate in object making because it gives a person the opportunity to intimately engage with their art by wearing it.  The piece then becomes part of the wearer and the wearer part of the piece so that each is intrinsic to the other and meaning is drawn from both.'

Jane has completed an Advanced Diploma of Jewellery and Object Design at the Sydney Institute, Enmore and a Bachelor of Visual Art at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney.



In 2005, Jane completed an Advanced Diploma of Jewellery and Object Design at the Sydney Institute and in 2007 a Bachelor of Visual Art at Sydney College of the Arts,  University of Sydney. 

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