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Gerry King

2016 - Gerry King – Solo: three score & ten, Aptos Cruz Galleries, Adelaide

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About me


2011 Honary Life Member Ausglass, The Australian Association of Glass Artists 

2007 Grant: Austrade Government of Australia 

2006 Grant:  Department of the Arts, Government of S A Austrade, Government of Australia 

1995 Cultural Exchange Grant: Australia/Korea Foundation 

1988 Cultural Exchange Fellowship Bank of Tokyo 

1980 Grant:  Department of the Arts, Government of South Australia 

1975 Grant:  Crafts Board of the Australia Council for the Arts 

1974 Phi Kappa Phi


1993 Doctor of Creative Arts:  University of Wollongong 

1976 Advanced Dip.T. (Fine Art): Torrens C. A. E. 

1974 Certificate Hot and Flat Glass:   Georgian College, Canada 

1974 Master of Science, Education: Alfred University, USA 

1971 Certificate Printmaking:  SA School of Art 

1970 Certificate Ceramics:   SA School of Art 

1966 Awarded Post Graduate Year:  SA School of Art 

1965 Diploma of Art Teaching:  SA School of Art

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