Galina Raspopina-Abyssinian-Oil on canvas-50x80cm-2019-USD800

Galina Raspopina

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Raspopina Galina was born in 1957 in Buguruslan, Orenburg region. In 1976, she graduated from the Buguruslan Oil Technical School with honors and entered the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute in the same year. After graduating from the institute in 1981, Galina worked at the Irkutskzhilstroy municipal construction organization as an engineer. Galina had an energetic career in the construction business, but was always ready to receive new knowledge, new contacts and to be advanced. Since 1987, Galina began working in the Irkutsk Regional Executive Committee (first the Governor of the Irkutsk Region, Yuri Nozhikov) as a department manager in the management of the regional administration. In 1994, due to unbelievable circumstances, Galina was diagnosed with a serious illness. She was under treatment, hoping for a return (she had small children), but she became disabled for life.

Galina understood that she must continue to live with a treacherous disease, decent and with a great interest in life. Her children studied at art school, she watched their studies and wanted to draw herself. The picture was her cherished dream at a distance of 10 years. She asked art school teachers to teach her to draw, but instead of drawing, she was offered handicrafts ... 

In 2006, Galina sometimes met with the famous Irkutsk artist Sergei Zhilin, and he agreed to teach her to draw. For almost 10 years, Galina stubbornly mastered the artwork. The initial goal was art therapy, but then, with the approval of the great Irkutsk painter Vitaly Smagin (his works serve as an example for Galina), she began to take the works of art seriously.

For the purpose of personal growth, in 2015, Galina entered the Irkutsk Technical University at the Academic Cathedral of Monumental Painting under the name of V. Smagina (teacher was N. Dovnich), and in parallel she began her studies in Additional Education at the Institute of Irkutsk State University under the program "Fine Arts and Crafts" (teachers - A. Vesnin, E. Gladkikh and N. Sokolov). In 2017, Galina defended her thesis with honors: "Sources of inspiration for the artist"; The chairman of the attestation commission is the Honored Artist of Russia A. Shipitsin.

Galina's work began with a penchant for pastels. However, one day, while skiing in a snow-covered forest, Galina looked at the bark of old birch trees with curiosity, and the patterns on the bark fascinated her. She asked herself: how to draw it in the picture and show it to people. A simple solution is to take a brush and oil. Sergey Zhilin gave Galina all the skills for oil painting, and also conveyed stylized painting and the love of color, nothing natural, but very pure color, to strive to make everything around beautiful. Galina combined the images she saw on birch bark with oil paints. Thus, a series of works "Conversation with Flora".

Primary construction education had an impact on the artist's work, and she created a series of works "Conversation with a stone", which have an artistic and applied purpose.

Still life paintings were made under the impression of meeting with a wonderful teacher N. Dovnich, her works inspired Galina for landscape painting. Teacher A. Vesnin, the great master of academic painting, who paid attention to Galina's decorative-flat character, draws, considering it unnecessary to retrain her, and she is very grateful to him for that.

Her impressions of the family evening gatherings near the fire of Galina were shown in the series "A Conversation with Fire".

Since 2015, Galina has been actively involved in public art exhibitions. Visitors to the exhibitions see in her paintings powerful spirits, a festive mood, a color that "reaches the heart", confirming life of color with a high degree of purity (as if the feelings are "cut off to the very depths"), individuality and free will in expression, courage, joy and light, rich imagination, freshness, a very complex saturation of colors, giving the paintings artistic charm, accent and expression, brightness, inspiring and improving mood.

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