
Florinela Bocsa

A contemporary artist, expressionist oil on canvas collection using women as inspiration and fashion as a theme.

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She finds oil colours, canvas and brushes as the most powerful tools for the deepest expression. For her,colours on canvas have always been the best alternative for self exploration and best creating means. Centuries old techniques of classical art, pave the way into adventurous, playfull grounds, allowing Florinela to materialize concepts of our modern world, beautifully wrapped in a timeless oil colour coating. 

Although the paint brush is her main tool, a wide array of unconventional improvised utensils play part in creating the beautiful, intricate layered patterns found in her paintings. Everything in sight could be a potential instrument. 

Amongst the unique devices used are : torn peaces of cloth,hands,fingers and fingernails,rhinestones and feathers,crafting or bricklayer's tools, wax candles, castor oil, mediums, vermion, damarand diferent emolsions found in the art isle at any major stores. 

Taking inspiration from her environment, Florinela uses all available resources in order to incorporate volume, transparencies and textures into her artwork. Although Florinela prefers to work on big size canvas, as it allows for very fine detailed work, medium and small sized pieces allow for simplicity and concrete concepts to take quick shape.

The most recurring subject in her paintings are WOMEN as she sees them: beautiful, powerful, explosive, sexual, elegant and vibrant. This is seconded by self portraits, which could be considered as a direct expression of her inner feelings more than the realism in her shape. This being the two major subjects covered by the artist, but not the only ones.As a brave, experimental woman, Florinela  ventures into unknown waters often, taking on commissioned artwork which can challenge and excite her.

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