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Anna Jenkins

Melbourne-based artist and illustrator known professionally as Anna Seed

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About me

Anna Seed is a Melbourne-based artist and illustrator, whose work inspired by the natural world is filled with whimsy, fantasy, and nostalgia. Growing up in Tasmania, she spent much of her childhood out in nature, and many of her fondest memories are of time spent watching little critters go about their busy lives in the plants and flowers.

Such memories are what most inspire her work, and as a great lover of folklore, fairy tales, and stories of all kinds, Anna loves to imagine that magic might yet exist in the world – but that it’s probably found in the dark of night, in those secret places inhabited by small animals, bugs, and fungi, whose goings-on we people aren’t privy to.

Anna hopes to evoke feelings of warmth, cosiness and nostalgia with her work, reminiscent of the greats of storybook illustration, but with her own quirky, humourous twist. Her works are available both as art prints, and on decorative and useful household items that bring a little bit of magic to the home.

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