Print by Andrew Baldwin
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Andrew Baldwin

Andrew started working with glass in his final year of high school, during a year long research project.

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About me

After experiencing the craft first hand, he thought it was amazing and knew instantly that it was the career path for him. Following high school, Andy went on to study at the University of South Australia in 1999, gaining a Bachelor of Arts in Ceramics and Glass. 


2017 - Impermenence, Beaver Galleries, Deakin, ACT, Australia (Solo)

2016 - Tom Malone Prize, Art Gallery of Western Australia, W.A. Australia

2015 - Diplomacy, Canberra Glassworks, ACT, Austraia

2014 - Crafted Light, Aptos Cruz Gallery, Stirling, S.A. Australia, Void, Beaver Galleries, Deakin, ACT, Australia (Solo)

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